Daniel Iván Garduño Ruíz

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PHD in Earth and Ocean Sciences

University of Victoria, Canada, 2020-Currently

MPhil in Philosophy of Science

UNAM (National Autonomous University Of Mexico), Mexico City, 2016-2018

Thesis: In search of connections: the importance of integrative expertise in the interdisciplinary study of the Earth

B.Sc. in Earth Science

UNAM (National Autonomous University Of Mexico), Mexico City, 2012-2016

Specialization in atmospheric science

Honors and Awards

Graduate Student Research Grant

Geological Society Of America, USA, 2021

Gabino Barreda Medal

UNAM (National Autonomous University Of Mexico), Mexico City, 2016

Medal for obtaining the best grades of my year group as an undergraduate


Teacher Assistant

Earth System Modelling

University of Victoria, Canada, Sept-Dic 2022

Teacher Assistant

Society and Climate Change

University of Victoria, Canada, Jan-April 2022


Financiera Independencia, Mexico City, 2018-2020

SQL, JavaScript, and Python coding for financial data analysis


UNAM Climate Change Research Program Congress

Presentation: The role of models in climate change research. A philosophical perspective

Mexico City, 2016

Mexican Geophysical Union Anual Meeting (RAUGM)

Poster presentation: gravity currents in Mexico City Valley

Puerto Vallarta, 2015