Daniel Iván Garduño Ruíz

The Great Oxidation Event

The Great Oxidation Event (GOE) marked the end of the Archean Eon (4-2.5 Ga) and the start of the Proterozoic Eon (2.5-0.5 Ga) 2.5 Giga years ago (Ga) with a substantial increase in the atmospheric oxygen content and the transition of the Earth surface from reducing to oxidizing conditions. I am interested in understanding the causes of this extraordinary event, which has important implications for the history of the evolution of the Earth's atmosphere and the development of life. Also, I am interested in understanding the effects of this event on climate, which could have important implications for our understanding of the evolution of the Earth and other planet's climate system.

Atmospheric Chemistry

I am interested in the mathematical modeling of atmospheric chemistry processes. The atmosphere's composition varies on short and long time scales due to meteorologic, climatologic, radiative, chemical, and biogeochemical processes. I am interested in using and developing atmospheric chemistry models to understand the variability and evolution of the Earth and other planets' atmospheric composition.

Biogeochemical Modelling

I am interested in using and developing biogeochemical models to investigate the evolution of the interactions between different Earth systems through Earth's history. In particular, I am interested in the coevolution of life and the environment.